Guild Service

Learn more about the guild service


If you want to interact with your Discord Bot, it is important to retrieve your server from the guild cache. You also need to fetch the guild by your server id. This can be annoying if you do this over and over again. That's why we created the guild service for you. Currently, there's only one feature inside the service that grabs your guild. The service will be extended by more features and ideas in the future.

Wishes and ideas can be posted inside #ideas-and-features channel in our Discord

Basic Usage

Actually not implemented!

Working with the guild service is fairly simple. Create a new class and extend the guild service.

You can use any method you find in the discord.js documentation. The this.guild is only a wrapper for your own guild.

// If you extend the guild service, your class has access to
// this.guild => this is your own server
export class YourBotComponent extends GuildService {

   * Fetch all members and the giving roles for it
  public fetchAllMembers(): void {
      .then((members: Collection<string, GuildMember>) => {
        members.forEach((member: GuildMember) => {
          // For testing, log some informations
            name: member.user.username,
            displayName: member.displayName,
            roles: member.roles.cache.mapValues((role: Role) =>
          }, null, 2));
      .catch((err) => {
        // Handle your error

Last updated