Base Pool

Learn more about the BasePool


Dealing with a huge amount of objects can be really hard. To make it easier for you, we create a Base Pool Class. The class provides the feature, that you can create a "Pool" for any kind of objects. Internaly we use a simple ES6 Map. The usage is really simple and if you only need the basic stuff, you only need a few lines of code to create your own pool.

The BasePool Class

The BasePool is a simple class with some methods. This class is created to use as extend not as instance self.

The BasePool has two generic types. T stands for the type you want to store, K stands for the key identifier.

export abstract class BasePool<T, K = string | number> {

   * Contains the pool
   * @type {Map<string|number, T>}
   * @protected
  protected pool: Map<K, T> = new Map<K, T>();

   * Return the pool size
   * @return {number}
  public get size(): number {
    return this.pool.size;

   * Create new entity inside pool if not exists
   * @param {K} identifier
   * @param {T} entity
   * @return {Map<string|number, T> | void}
  public add(identifier: K, entity: T): Map<K, T> | void {
    if (!this.has(identifier)) {
      this.pool.set(identifier, entity);

   * Get entity from pool if exists
   * @param {K} identifier
   * @return {T | void}
  public get(identifier: K): T | void {
    if (this.has(identifier)) {
      return this.pool.get(identifier);

   * Check if the pool has identifier
   * @param {K} identifier
   * @return {boolean}
  public has(identifier: K): boolean {
    return this.pool.has(identifier);

   * Return all entries from pool
   * @return {T[]}
  public entries(): T[] {
    return Array.from(this.pool.values());

   * Return all keys from pool
   * @return {(K)[]}
  public keys(): (K)[] {
    return Array.from(this.pool.keys());

   * Remove entity from pool if exists
   * @param {K} identifier
   * @return {boolean}
  public remove(identifier: K): boolean {
    return this.pool.delete(identifier);

   * Remove all entities from pool
  public removeAll(): void {


import { BasePool } from '@abstractFlo/atlas-shared';
import { Player } from 'alt-client';
import { singleton } from 'tsyringe';

export class PlayerPool extends BasePool<Player, string> {}

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