
Learn more about the Utils Service


Sometimes you always need the same implementation of a method in different scenarios. For instance, you want to build classes and use them on client and server side.

There are a few helpers built in that should help you to keep your performance in check.

UtilsService can be used on both sides

Available Methods

This section covers all available methods included in UtilsService

setTimeout(listener: CallableFunction, duration: number)

This method creates a simple timeout and automatically clears it once the timeout is finished.

// Create a timeout which is processed after 1000ms
const timeout = UtilsService.setTimeout(() => {
    // Do whatever you want
}, 1000)

setInterval(listener: CallableFunction, milliseconds: number)

This method creates a simple interval.

Please do not forget to clear the interval if you do not need it anymore

// Create a interval which is processed every 1000ms
const interval = UtilsService.setInterval(() => {
    // Do whatever you want
}, 1000)

everyTick(listener: CallableFunction)

This method creates a simple everyTick.

Please do not forget to clear the everyTick if you do not need it anymore

// Create a everyTick which is processed everyTick ;)
const everyTick = UtilsService.everyTick(() => {
    // Do whatever you want

autoClearInterval(listener: CallableFunction, milliseconds: number, intervalDuration: number)

This method creates an interval that will automatically be cleared after the defined duration.

// Create a autoClearInterval which is processed every 1000ms 
// and cleared after 5000ms
UtilsService.autoClearInterval(() => {
    // Do whatever you want
}, 1000, 5000)

nextTick(listener: CallableFunction)

This method creates a simple nextTick.

Please do not forget to clear the nextTick if you do not need it anymore

// Create a nextTick which is processed nextTick ;)
const nextTick = UtilsService.nextTick(() => {
    // Do whatever you want

clearInterval(interval: number)

This method clears an interval based on the intervalId returned by the setInterval method.

// Create a interval which is processed every 1000ms
const interval = UtilsService.setInterval(() => {
    // Do whatever you want
}, 1000)

// Clear the before created interval

clearTimeout(timeout: number)

This method clears a timeout based on the timeoutId.

// Create a timeout which is processed after 1000ms
const timeout = UtilsService.setTimeout(() => {
    // Clear the timeout
}, 1000)

clearNextTick(tick: number)

This method clears a nextTick based on the nextTickId

// Create a nextTick which is processed nextTick ;)
const nextTick = UtilsService.nextTick(() => {
    // Do whatever you want


clearEveryTick(tick: number)

This method clears a everyTick based on the id returned by the everyTick() method

// Create a everyTick which is processed everyTick ;)
const everyTick = UtilsService.everyTick(() => {
    // Do whatever you want


log(...messages: any[])

This method logs a message

UtilsService.log('your message')

logWarning(...messages: any[])

This method logs a message as a warning

UtilsService.logWarning('your message')

logError(...messages: any[])

This method logs a message as an error

UtilsService.logError('your message')

logLoaded(...messages: any[])

This method logs a message formatted as loaded

UtilsService.logLoaded('your message')
// UtilsService.log(`Loaded ~lg~${message}~w~`))

logUnloaded(...messages: any[])

This method logs a message formatted as unloaded

UtilsService.logUnloaded('your message')
// UtilsService.log(`Unloaded ~lg~${message}~w~`))

logRegisteredHandlers(name: string, length: number)

This method is used internal

UtilsService.logRegisteredHandlersloaded('YourService', 10)
// UtilsService.log(`Registered all handlers for ~lg~${name}~w~ - ~y~[${length}]~w~`);

isProduction(toggle: boolean = false)

Setup the production mode only needed clientside, serverside is setup by .env variable


setCommandPrefix(prefix: string)

Change the prefix for commands, base is /


Event Helpers

All event methods are only called in its specific context - Client/Server. They can't communicate with the other side.

eventOn(eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void)

Listen for an event

UtilsService.eventOn('eventName', (...args: any []) =>  {
    // Do whatever you want

eventOnce(eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void)

Listen for an event once

UtilsService.eventOnce('eventName', (...args: any []) =>  {
    // Do whatever you want

eventOff(eventName: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void)

Removes the listener of an event

Keep in mind that the listener has to be in the same context as the on listener

UtilsService.eventOff('eventName', (...args: any []) =>  {
    // Do whatever you want

eventEmit(eventName: string, ...args: any[])

Emits an event

UtilsService.eventEmit('eventName', 'arg1', 'arg2')

Last updated